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"Ethically-Informed Algorithmic Matching and Refugee Resettlement," Forced Migration ReviewIssue 73, May 2024.


Migration Governance in North America: Policy, Politics, and Community. Co-edited volume (with Prof. Kiran Banerjee). McGill-Queen's University Press. 2024. Open Access

"Introduction: Towards a New Migration and Asylum Research Agenda for the Americas," Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 21(4): 537-546, 2023 (Special Issue co-edited with Claudia Masferrer). 

"Hierarchical Governance and the Refugee Compact in Central America: Host states, containment, and the absence of international resettlement
," Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 21(4): 581-596, 2023. Open Access

"Why Matching Matters: Improving Outcomes in Refugee Sponsorship and Complementary Pathways," MPI Policy Briefs, Migration Policy Institute, Washington D.C., October, 2023.   


"The Long Way to Roxham Road: Global regimes of closure and the transnationalization of irregular migration to Canada," Comparative Migration Studies (forthcoming) 2023.  


"Immigration Policy 'On the Fly': A Critical Review of Pandemic Policymaking in Canada," (with Maggie Perzyna, Marshia Akbar, Claire Ellis, Stein Montaro, & Lucia Nalbandian), CERC / TMCIS Working Papers no. 2022/13

"Towards Genuine Responsibility-Sharing in the International Refugee Regime: Solidarity and Resettlement as a Response to Unequal Burdens and Democratic Spoilers," Behind the Headlines, 70(6). Canadian International Council. 


"Policy Change, Threat Perception, and Mobility Catalysts: The Trump Administration as Driver of Asylum Migration to Canada," International Migration Review 2022. Open Access


"The State of Knowledge Concerning Canada's Irregular Population: Guesstimates, Pathways to Precarity, and Ethical Considerations for Contemporary Research." (with Julie Ha Young Kim), CERC / TMCIS Working Papers no. 2022/8. 


"Visa Policies, Migration Controls, and Migrant Aspirations: Mixed Migration as a Response to Global Regimes of Closure," Yale Journal of International Law, Symposium: Managing Mixed Migration, April 2022. 


"Weathering the (Northern) Storm: Trump Administration Immigration Policies, Irregular Migration to Canada, and Consequences for Solidarity and Responsibility-Sharing with Latin America," in Martínez-Zalce, Graciela & Mónica Verea (eds.). 2021. Migration and Borders in North America: Views from the 21st Century. Universidad Nacional Autónomia Press.


Access to Justice for Refugees: How Legal Aid and Quality of Counsel Affect Fairness & Efficiency in Canada's Asylum System (with Sean Rehaag & Trevor Farrow). CERC in Migration & Integration, Centre for Refugee Studies, Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, 9 December, 2021.


"How Canada can Address Skills Shortages by Improving Access to Economic Pathways for Refugees and Displaced People in Latin America," (with Dana Wagner) CERC Policy Briefs, No.1, April 2021.


"Extraction, Dependence, and Responsibility-Sharing: Taking Stock of Canada's Role in Western Hemispheric Migration Governance," CERC / TMCIS Working Papers no. 2020/16.  


"Challenging to so-called 'trafficking-terror finance nexus," Forced Migration ReviewIssue 64, June 2020. 


“A Model for the World? Policy Transfer Theory and Challenges to ‘Exporting’ Private Sponsorship to Europe,” in Labman, Shauna & Geoffrey Cameron (eds). 2020. Stranger to Neighbours: Private Refugee Sponsorship in Canada and Beyond. McGill-Queens University Press.


“International Relations and Migration: Human Mobility as Norm Rather than Exception,” in Levin, Jamie (ed.) 2020. Nomad-State Relationships in International Relations: Before & After Borders. Palgrave. (with Kiran Banerjee). 


"Kraj: Notes and Drawings from Fieldwork in Europe's South-East Borderlands," SCAPEGOAT: Architecture | Landscape | Political Economy, Life Issue. 2018. 


“Malignant Europeanization: Schengen, Irregular Migration Governance, and Insecurity on Europe’s Peripheries,” EU Political Economy Bulletin Issue 22, Summer 2016.


“Introduction”, in Triadifilopoulos (ed.) Wanted & Welcome?: Policies for Highly Skilled Immigrants in Comparative Perspective. New York: Springer. 


 “The Western Balkan Migration Plan: Solidarity & Burden-Sharing in a Zero Sum World,” Balkans in Europe Policy Blog. 27 October 2015.  


"How a Tool Called Pairity is Using Data to Gauge Community Support for Refugees," The Conversation, 13 July 2021. 


Mid-Term Evaluation of the Samen Hier Pilot - Pilot implementation of the Pairity matching system. Justice & Peace Netherlands, December, 2020. 


"Will Canada Suspend its Safe Third Country Agreement with the US? Here's what doing so would mean for immigration levels," Foreign Policy6 November, 2019. 


"Changing US Policy & Safe Third Country 'Loophole' Drive Irregular Migration to Canada," Migration Information Source, Migration Policy Institute, Washington DC. 16 October, 2019. 

“Why a Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration Supports Canada’s Sovereign Self-Interests,” Brief to Parliamentary Standing Committee on Migration Challenges and Opportunities for Canada in the 21st Century, 29 November, 2018.


“Canadian Politicians are Playing a Dangerous Game on Migration,” The Conversation, 7 September, 2018.


“Filling the Gap: Volunteers & Settlement Sector Interactions in Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis.” Together Project Research Reports. September, 2017. 


“Historical Amnesia and Europe’s Migration Relations with Libya,” Open Democracy. 2 July 2017.


“Private Sponsorship is Not Panacea for Refugee Integration.” Refugees Deeply. 4 April 2017.


"There's a Better Way to Manage Refugee Surges," The Globe and Mail 21 23 Nov 2024.


"Asylum-Seeker Smuggling is a Symptom, not a Root Cause," The Globe and Mail 31 Jan 2022.  


"Here's One Way Canada Can Help Displaced Latin American Workers," The Globe and Mail 26 April 2021.


"The US Election could Drive Asylum in Canada," The Globe and Mail 2 November 2020. 


"Canada is Ignoring its own Hemisphere," The Globe and Mail 18 July 2019. 


"It's Anarchy on the Streets of Toronto for Cyclists," Now Magazine 5 July 2018. 


“Canada Must Help Rebuild the World’s Refugee Regime,” The Globe & Mail 6 April 2018.


“Banning Refugees Harms US National Security,” Toronto Star 31 Jan 2017.


“Toronto Air-Show Triggers the Trauma of War,” Huffington Post 29 August 2016.


“Toronto Air-show Traumatic for Refugees Who Escaped War,” Toronto Star 25 August 2016.


 “We Must not Let Fear of Terrorism Become Xenophobia,” Toronto Star 27 March 2016.


 “Canada’s Embarrassing Indifference to Refugees,” Toronto Star 03 Sep 2015.


 “Our Moral Duty to Syrian Refugees,” National Post 15 January 2014.


 “Israel’s African Question,” Ha’aretz Weekend Edition 20 July 2012.

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